helio dockworks

We can now with pride announce that we are taking a leap to the north and opening an office in Värtahamnen. Niam is building one of the most spectacular offices we’ve seen in Sweden! It’s built on the dock with all of Värtan as a backdrop. We will run the whole house for everyone from this location – both renters and members – as well as a new restaurant we are sketching on. We love people-friendly offices, and with Dockworks’ 32 000 square meters, we’ll be able to fit in all that is entailed in a complete Helio office. And perhaps a bit more. See you in 2025!

The full press release: 


Helio expands further – Niam’s property The Dockworks will be the biggest venture yet

Helio takes further leaps on the expansion journey and becomes part of Niam’s office project The Dockworks. The spectacular house in Värtahamnen is created with the highest possible ambitions in regard to environment, architecture, health, food and service. With Helio as a partner, the guest experience in the house will now be formed to match the highly-set goals. The large common spaces will house meditation rooms, several restaurants and cafés, an orangery, as well as a rooftop bar. All renters will also be able to take part in curated programs and activities with focus on learning, health and community.

“The Dockworks is Sweden’s most innovative office project, and it will be exciting to create its contents here with Niam. Coworking is often synonymous with smaller companies, but we have a house of 32 000 square meters, designed to let both big and small renters work in one community, with great flexibility and various activities under the same roof. In The Dockworks, we’ll be able to really challenge what an office house can and should be”, says Patrik Åström, Helio’s CEO.

All functions and services in the house are connected to one common digital platform, where one can not only manage orders and payments of different services directly to the office, but also book anything from a work-out session to parking or a podcast studio.

The Dockworks will offer offices for 1–2 500 people, event locations, cafés, restaurants, a rooftop bar with a view of the water, an orangery, various coworking lounges, meeting rooms and much more. Helio will rent 3 300 square meters and also work as an operator for the property, for the program of services and activities that both members and renters can take part in.

“During the pandemic, the office’s role as a meeting place has become even more important, which is visible in the design and concept of The Dockworks. The house is built based on a holistic mindset; how can we create the best possible place for our renters, for all waking hours of the day? With Helio, we have a partner with a lot of experience in creating office environments and spaces with an inviting, energetic mood. We are very happy to have them onboard”, says Ola Kolmert, business developer, Niam.

The house, which is designed by Brunnberg & Forshed, will be environmentally classified according to BREEAM Outstanding, energy class A, as well as with Well, and will open during the fourth quarter of 2025. Each floor will be from around 600–3 600 square meters, and there will be three common roof terraces and seven private ones in the building, along with a bicycle garage, a changing room, and so on.

Avanti Partners are in charge of the rentals for The Dockworks.

“Helio’s venture in The Dockworks, with the largest facility so far, confirms the quality of the building and the area. This renting in combination with the fact that the zoning plan was finalized earlier this spring, has really been a boost for the project”, says Håkan Klinterhäll at Avanti Partners.


Niam and the project The Dockworks are part of the development of Värtahamnen, the district which will be part of Norra Djurdgårdsstaden. The old harbor environment will be filled with new buildings, meeting spots, residences, workplaces, restaurants and activities. In the future, the new district will also be visited by cruise ships with millions of passengers each year. When Vision Värtahamnen is realized, there will be 20 000 workplaces and 5 000 residences in the area. The first phase entails the addition of 110 000 square meters of commercial development in this unique area.


Helio is developing the next generation’s office buildings, with focus on people, activities, design, food and health. Today, the company is situated in nine spots around Stockholm and Malmö, and has 65 employees. The corporate group was founded in 1998 and is one of the global pioneers of coworking. The Dockworks will be Helio’s tenth establishment in Sweden.


Niam is one of North Europe’s leading fund managers, focusing on investments within real estate and infrastructure. For almost 25 years, Niam has consistently delivered top results through all real estate cycles. Today, the company is one of the largest private property owners in the Nordic countries, with their headquarters in Stockholm and branch offices in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Luxemburg.

Contact Information

Patrik Åström, +46 76 14 12 964, patrik.astrom@helio.se

Ola Kolmert, +46 768 71 50 83, ola.kolmert@niam.com

Håkan Klinterhäll, +46 708 75 16 66, hakan.klinterhall@avantipartners.se

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