When: February 20 12.00

Where: Helio Hötorget

Who: Members of Helio

How: RSVP to martin.tallvid@helioworks.se – please note that there are a limited amount of places.

Our members Plantagon are pioneers in urban farming and sustainable consumption. Now they are coming to Learn @ Lunch to talk about the challenges we are facing, while we enjoy a lunch and get to learn something new at the same time.  As usual, it is available for members of Helio. A warm welcome!

“How will we ensure the food supplies to last in the future? Plantagon is actively working to achieve industrially sustainable food production in cities. Their concept provides nutritious and good vegetables while ensuring a profitable business. Plantagon is also the first to apply the ”Kompanisationen” as a business model with the sole purpose of achieving a long-term sustainable and ethical business.”

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