Welcome to our next Learn @ Lunch with our member Tobias Sturesson ⭐ The food is ready outside the room at 11.45 and the lecture starts at 12.00. Register at latest 27 November at k6@helio.se or in the Helio app. The lecture will be held in English.

What does it take to build a healthy culture that enables mission success, a thriving workplace, and responsible impact?

Most leaders have realized that a great culture is critical to success. Yet, efforts at improving their culture often end up in ineffective and short-sighted initiatives. But there is a much more effective way to improve the health of our culture radically. Instead of short-term initiatives, we must realize that culture, like our physical health, is built through healthy habits.

In this talk, Tobias Sturesson will share four essential leadership habits (they work even if you’re not a manager) that will transform your cultural health. They build on extensive research, work with hundreds of leaders at large and small organizations, and interviews with leading researchers in management, economics, ethics, and behavioral science.

Tobias will share how growing up in a destructive cult made him dedicate his professional life to becoming an advocate for healthier cultures.

Tobias Sturesson is the co-founder of Heart Management, and the host of the Leading Transformational Change podcast. His book on overcoming cultural challenges will launch in Q3 2024.

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