helio sundbyberg signalfabriken

    We are so proud that we’re almost bursting! Our newest establishment just opened in Stockholm’s smallest, but probably homiest, municipality. We’ve put our mark on Max Sievert’s factory, or “Signalfabriken” as it’s called today. Here, you’ll find room for over 200 excited members (welcome to those who’ve already moved in!), event rooms that can host small meetings or full-day conferences, as well as our new café. Anyone – member or non-member – can sit down for a cup of double-espresso-shot-latte-with-oat-milk, or a simple organic, Fairtrade black coffee. Check out these pictures and a short interview with Bodil Perneborn from Kaka Architects, who’ve worked tirelessly with us for the past half-year to reach our goals. 

If you want a tour, talk to us on info@helio.se and we’ll schedule you right in!

Hi Bodil, who are you? 

I’m an ex-tram driver from Gothenburg turned architect as of ten years ago. World’s most fun job!

Describe the new Helio Sundbyberg and what you’ve done! 

A dream factory! For the interior, we took inspiration from the industrial heritage of the area and Sundbyberg as a town where people, both now and then, come to make something wonderful.

Helio is a place for people to meet, be inspired and develop ideas that change the world in big and small ways. We want the office to look good but calm. Everyone should feel welcome to take part of a varied and creative environment where it should be easy to find your favorite spots. 

The personality of the dream factory is a meeting between the hard and raw base with the soft, polished details. Gray concrete joined with warm chocolate tones and pastels, rough steel constructions draped in soft curtains and a design that flirts with the industrial chimneys. We’ve hidden Easter eggs at various locations that connect the wires to the huge copper display over the café counter and hand-painted the wires on all glass surfaces. 

Where’s your favorite spot at the office? 

That’s a tough one! I’d have to say the flex lounge where you can sit at the center of action, under a dreamy cloud.

Why corworking-offices instead of a traditional office? 

It’s flexible, smart and synergetic. There are so many natural contact points and opportunities to collab and exchange ideas. And so much fun!

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