helio gt30

Who: Micael Dahlen

Does: A whole lot of different things

where: GT30

Since: Februari 2017

In his latest book, Micael Dahlen describes the concept of “Kaosologi” (Chaosology). It’s about how small decisions can have big consequences. Perhaps it was such a decision that in early 2017 led Micael to Helio at Grev Turegatan 30 in Stockholm, where we meet him this rainy October day. We wanted to find out more about the consequences of that decision and decided to ask him about it.

He is a master of innovation and creativity. Micael Dahlén breaks both habits and new ground as he goes through life and urges us all to think, and then think again about the decisions that we make. For him, it is natural to have a lot going on, even though he tries to reduce all the “musts”. And he needs structure, although he prefers it to be limitless.

“I feel the best when I have everything I need gathered in one place so that I can do all sorts of things without having to run around the city. The absence of limits in the structures of a workplace like this fits my way of thinking.”

As an author and Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, Micael has a leading position in both the scientific, economic and creative community. He thinks, writes, meets, lectures and educates – and no day is like the other.

micael dahlén helio gt30

“I need to be able to switch back and forth between different activities and projects and shift between work and play, preferably without separating them at all. In this workplace, there are different spaces for all of those things and they have no specific labels.”

Micael has been ranked the 10th most influential researcher in the world in his field, and in his books and lectures he covers subjects like sex, happiness, social media, marketing, serial killers and creativity. In other words a wide range of different areas. So, what is his next big project?

“Sitting here provides completely different possibilities for people to reach me than if I would have been tied to a specific institution. It has resulted in several spontaneous meetings. This last Friday, we had a fun meeting which resulted in a very nice app idea. I cannot tell you more just yet, but you will definitely hear about it if we decide go through with it.”

In the beginning of 2017, when Micael was about to choose a suitable workplace that could meet all his wishes, he stumbled upon Helio.

  ”I have never even thought of renting a traditional office. It’s not for me.” 

Read more about our location on Grev Turegatan or about memberships at Helio.

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