mathias sundin

The best time in history to be alive is now! But why is the world getting better, and how can make a positive future come sooner?

This talk is unique in three ways.

1) It’s 100 percent optimistic.

2) The content is crowdsourced.

3) The talk is crowdperformed, many people are giving the same talk all over the world.

We will go through how the world is getting better, why it’s getting better and how you can have a big, positive impact on the future.

Giving the talk is Mathias Sundin, a former Member of Parliament, now co-founder and executive chairman of Warp Institute. He left Parliament because he thinks he has a bigger chance of having an positive impact on the world outside of politics.

Warp Institute is aSwedish foundation based in Stockholm, and in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Snacks, water and soda will provided for free.

The talk will be recorded.

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