söder runt

We are happy and proud to be a partner of Söder Runt together with our members at Löparakademin (The Runner’s Academy). This year is the 10th anniversary of the race, so we are looking forward to extra everything. We’ll also be able to go through with Söder Runt’s legendary After Run which hasn’t been held since 2019.

June 11th 19:45 is when it all starts, and afterward we’ll celebrate with After Run at Helio Hornstull. The run is 10 000 meters along the water (no running uphill!) and is, in the eyes of many, Stockholm’s most beautiful loop. What’s more, we have the best after-party.

Sign up for Söder Runt’s 10-year jubilee at soderrunt.se. Members at Helio get a 10% discount with the code you’ll find under ‘Benefits’ in your membership-app! What are you waiting for? The tenth medal in order is at stake.

See you at Söder

PS! Fun fact: Every year, 50% beat their personal best at Söder Runt. Hills? There are none.

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