What happens if you go on an After Work without talk, alcohol, phones or mingle? Come and give yourself a silent, cool and digitally offline moment after a hectic work week. Welcome to a completely silent after work – ’Off the Work’ – in collaboration with OAS, One Agency and Helio.
No alcohol. No mingle. No talking. No mobiles. No laptops. No watches. Nothing that needs to be said, done or performed. Two hours of relaxing silence together with other people. The digital and online everyday life is making us sick. Social noise demand our attention 24/7 and our brains are being drowned in a continuous information flow. When you turn off technology, work and talking for a short time, it helps your brain and body to recover properly.
You can sit, stand or lie down. Let your hands stay busy, do something monotonous and let your brain rest. Let your body relax and find your calm so that YOU are the one coming home to your apartment, partner, friends and family. Not a worn-out, stressed being who collapses in the sofa.
Off the work is open for everyone to take part in. You don’t need to know any advanced meditation techniques or do something you don’t want to. Come as you are. Leave a little more like you would like to be.
About the lecturer
Victoria Palm is a lecturer, work shop leader and one of the founders of OAS.
About OAS
Oas is a method based on science that works to prevent psychological- and physical illnesses connected to digital stress and overflow of information in individuals and businesses. OAS gives people more tools to create a richer life with a starting point in healthier digital habits. Read more on: www.komtilloas.se.
WHAT: A silent and digitally disconnected after work.
FOR: You who want a relaxing end to the day and a silent break to breathe from the stressful day to day life.
WHY: To help you find a cool silence, calm and relaxation at the end of a social, online and productive work week.
WHEN: Thursday 27th of September, at 16.30-18.30
WHERE: Grev Turegatan 30, Stockholm
COST: Free and open to everyone
RULES FOR OFF THE WORK: SILENCE || To be able to relax without needing to verbally perform, a complete silence will take place. You can also communicate with your eyes. That’s why you should avoid eye contact with others in the room.
OFFLINE || To be able to put intelligence, drive and performance aside, you need to leave space for stillness. That’s why all electronics including your watch will be turned off and put away.
RESPECT || It’s important that you respect other people’s needs so that everyone will feel safe knowing that no one will speak, make a phone call, pick up their phone or in any way cause a disturbance. Also respect the rules of silence and being offline.
Photo: Rydén & Axelsson