The days are long gone when coworking was only something for freelancers and start-ups. Today, it’s an established way to gather for all kinds of businesses of different sizes. Lawyers, investors and stockbrokers are some of our members, as well as NGOs, start-ups and authors. And that’s the idea with coworking – to find inspiration and influences from many different sources. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve also gotten used to the idea of working in different spaces, so coworking has opened the eyes of many businesses to the opportunity of leaving traditional offices and long-term contracts for good.

Our top 5 reasons to leave your expensive office contract are:
Coworking is flexible
Conventional real estate companies love the “one size fits all” concept, but this concept is usually less beneficial for the actual tenants – YOU. Different companies have different needs, whether that’s interior or design, it has to work. Coworking gives you the opportunity to choose among different companies, so that it works with you brand or business, and you can rent out as much or as little space as you want.
There are also other comforts with coworking spaces – gyms, service, lounges and conference rooms that make work life a little smoother.
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Rent 10m² and access 1 000 m²
Well, that might be a simplified idea, but it is amazing how much space you actually get to access although you’re only renting a small piece of it. At Helio on Grev Turegatan, many businesses rent a studio – a private room – but you can choose to sit in one of our common areas. A lively lounge, quiet focus rooms, phone rooms, a working lounge and the inner garden. These are huge spaces that small companies can only dream of renting on their own.
Coworking gives you a plug-and-play office that doesn’t ask for any investments or furniture purchases, while giving you amazing office spaces to invite your customers or partners to.
Coworking is good for your employees
tudies show that if employees feel comfortable at the office, they get better work results. As coworking spaces often have gyms, yoga, wellness centers, networking opportunities, seminars and workshops about different topics, your employees have the chance to have more fun than they would at a small personal office. Coworking spaces are usually more centrally located too, with good connections to public transport, which makes it easier for your employees to get to work. Stockholm’s intense traffic can even cause people to say no to a job, if they feel like it won’t work out logistically!
Read our complete guide to coworking here.
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Become part of a bigger network
A coworking space is an ecosystem of ideas and experiences, where people from different companies and groups can work together in the same space. To diversify the office with different types of people opens a wide variety of opportunities for creating a professional network, as well as entering new partnerships and collaborations. Most coworking spaces also organize fun activities and workout sessions so their members and employees can coexist and brainstorm together. Working in such an environment doesn’t only increase the work morale but also maximizes productivity.

More service to make the workflow smoother
Other than offering flexible working spaces and architect designed environments, many coworking spaces have a huge assortment of amenities – restaurants, cafés, security, mail handling, lounges, dressing rooms, delivery services, game zones and gyms for members. Most coworking spaces also have standing contracts with different brands to give exclusive discounts to their members. Such amenities help companies keep their employees motivated and engaged, which boosts their productivity.
Coworking spaces give unique benefits both privately and in a coworking community that each member can choose to participate in. It gives companies the freedom to either work independently in a private office or integrate and collaborate with other members.
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Are you curious about coworking spaces? You can find Helio offices all over the city, and you’re more than welcome to visit one or several of our offices. Maybe you’d like to spend a day at Hötorget, try Hornstull the next week and end the week in Kista? Email us at or call us at 08 522 232 00 if you want to come for a tour. We’re always here to answer questions, you can chat with us down in the right corner, or check out our phone number and email here. and 08 522 232 00.
Vi finns alltid här för att svara på frågor, så chatta med oss nere till höger här på sidan, eller så hittar du både nummer och mail här. och 08-522 232 00