When: 8th of February 8 am – 9.30 am
Where? Helio GT30
For: Members of Helio. Few places available, first come first served – RSVP – martin.tallvid@helioworks.se
The global labor market is growing. New statistics show that 1 out of 7 wants to work abroad and many of those people come from the private business sector. 1/3 of all Swedes under the age of 36 on the labor market is looking for a job abroad. When the dream of expatriation abroad grows, it’s smart to think carefully about the conditions of the offer given, the employment and other practical matters before you take off. What happens to your retirement, your parental leave and do you have a plan for what to do if your stay must be cancelled earlier than you expected? And how do companies take advantage of your skills when the year abroad is over and you have returned back home again?