When: May 23rd, 17.00
Where: Helio Hötorget
For: Members of Helio
How: to martin.tallvid@helioworks.se no later than May 18th
Last fall our members Paradiset was the first grocery store to conduct a crowdfunding campaign, and it ended in success! The goal to reach 8 million SEK was reached in less than one day and the whole campaign ended with over 5000 new part owners who invested a total of 21.5 million SEK. Thanks to the funding, Paradiset has now an online shop and a brand new store in Täby.
Come and listen to the founder and CEO Johannes Cullberg when he talks about the journey – and what is to come with the new crowdfunding that is expected to beat all records.
The lecture ends with a vegan cava from Solera.
RSVP to martin.tallvid@helioworks.se no later than May 18th
Johannes Cullberg from Paradiset, “The journey from 0 to today” – May 23rd