In this interactive simulation, participants role-play as founding citizens of a new society on Mars. As they navigate critical decisions for building a community that can thrive in the harsh conditions they experience the discomfort of uncertainty and get an opportunity to try on and practice new ways of working. Takeaways from the experience include new perspectives on decisions, communicating, and considering organizations as interconnected systems. Jonas Lidman will be facilitating The Ready’s customized future of work game.

Join us for a night where you will expand your thinking and participate in a role-play about colonizing Mars in 2100.

We believe that the best way to change your organizational operating system is to actually feel what it’s like to work differently. You can’t intellectualize your way into a new way of working — you have to get your hands dirty. You have to be on a team who has the mandate to break the mold or enter a space where old ways of thinking and working can be set aside and instead step into a new set of working principles and mindsets. Mars 2100 is a fun and thought-provoking game that gets you thinking about, talking about, and experiencing new ways of working.

Bio The Ready and Jonas Lidman

The Ready is an org design and transformation partner that helps you change the way you work. Jonas Lidman works as an organizational designer, helping companies build the capacity to sense and adapt to change. He works at the intersection of the organization, communication, business, and technology. Jonas has worked with organizations like SVT, Visit Sweden, E.ON and The Swedish Military Intelligences helping them fundamentally shift the way they work and organize in the 21st century. Jonas has a degree from the KaosPilots (Chaos Pilots)

Be sure not to miss this – drop an e-mail to to secure your seat around the table!

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